Check out our great comebacks when people call you a control freak

A control freak is a person who feels an obsessive need to exercise control over themselves and others and to take command of any situation.

On the Oprah Winfrey show, there was a woman named Rochelle, who controlled every moment of her husband’s life. She wouldn’t allow her husband to drink more than two cans of soda a day. She had a bunch of rules for John to follow, she created a notebook telling him how to fold clothes and wash the dishes.

You probably are nowhere near as bad as Rochelle, but being called a control freak is not a compliment. Next time someone gives you a hard time about your controlling ways, use one of our clever comebacks.

15 Best comebacks when someone calls you a control freak

1. I’m not a control freak. I just know what you should be doing.

2. I could stop being a control freak if people stopped screwing stuff up.

3. You can not control who walks into your life but you can control which window you throw them out of.

4. I’m not really a control freak. But can I show you the right way to do that?

5. I’m not a control freak, I just like things a certain way that’s all.

6. I’m very easy going as long as were doing exactly what I want!

7. I am a control freak. If I don’t have control I freak.

8. Don’t call me a control freak. I am a control enthusiast!

9. Maybe I wouldn’t be a control freak if you would just do what I say when I say it!

10. I can see how you might think that. My intention isn’t to micromanage but to see that things are done properly.

11. I have been told that my need to have control and processes in place is extreme. I just want the business to run smoothy and for our staff to have clear instructions.

12. I don’t want you to think that am trying to take over. My intention was not make you uncomfortable. I will try to be more aware of my actions going forward.

13. Thank you for sharing how you feel. I am open to new ideas of how you would like to do things and any improvements that you can think of.

14. I apologize if my need for control seems over the top, my goal is to ensure that we can get our work done as efficiently and accurately as possible.

15. I am not trying to take over here. We have always had processes in place in the past, and I find it easier to get things done with a structure in place.


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Definition of a control freak

The term control freak describes someone with a strong need to control situations, people, or events. These individuals can be perfectionists. They may sometimes set unrealistic goals and are afraid to fail.

If someone is a control freak, they are usually bossy and controlling. They may try to micromanage and make sure everything goes according to their plan. Because of their desire for perfection, they may also have difficulty trusting people. This is because they fear these people can’t reach the standard they have set.

A control freak is also prone to anxiety as they are usually caught up in their plans and are afraid of messing up. When things don’t go according to their goal, they typically display clear signs of irritation or disappointment. These behaviours make people around them uncomfortable. 

This behaviour can be harmful and lead to strained relationships and negative interactions. It’s essential to balance being responsible and being in control. It’s good to be flexible and open to new experiences and ideas rather than closed off and stagnant.

How to deal with being called a control freak

Being called a control freak is usually a negative description. It’s also a wake-up call. On the other hand, it could also be hurtful, especially if you aren’t aware of how your actions have affected others. Here are some helpful ways to manage this:

1. Listen to the feedback when people call you a control freak

Being a control freak may make it hard to hear suggestions or criticisms. However, it’s necessary for growth and change, so try to listen to why they may have called you a control freak. This can help you identify areas for improvement.

2. Reflect on your behaviour

Reflecting on your behaviour and how you made others feel is a good step in striving to improve. Are there times when you come across as micromanaging or overly controlling? Why did these responses hurt or make people uncomfortable? Identifying specific behaviours can help you work on changing them.

3. Practice letting go

While being uptight can give you a sense of comfort knowing that everything is going according to plan, letting go brings a different type of peace. Try to trust others more and let go of control in situations when it’s appropriate to do so. You can try delegating tasks to others and trusting them to take charge. Be open to new ideas and experiences.

4. Seek support

If being called a control freak hurts your everyday routine, seek professional help. They are educated and trained to help you with these feelings.

Being responsible and in control is healthy as long as you’re not overdoing it or hurting others. Being a control freak is harmful to you and the people around you. To maximize your learning experience, you must be open to others’ perspectives and opinions. 

Striking a balance between being in control and being chill can lead to healthier relationships. It can also take you out of stagnation and show you a more positive outlook on life.

More comebacks you might like

5 Famous people who have been called control freaks

Here are some famous people labelled as control freaks:

1. Steve Jobs: The late co-founder of Apple was known for his perfectionist attitude. He has a strong desire for control over every aspect of the company’s products and operations.

2. Martha Stewart: The lifestyle guru has also been called a control freak for her high standards. She is a perfectionist with exquisite attention to detail. She brings these traits to both her business and personal life.

3. Simon Cowell: As you may have also observed on TV, Simon is quite the “leader figure” in shows where he is a judge. He has been criticized for his control over the production and judging of shows like American Idol and The X Factor.

4. Beyoncé: The legendary performer has also been called a control freak. She always wants to be involved. Her being controlling is displayed in how she’s involved in every aspect of her music and performances. She ensures she is involved in everything– from the writing and production to the choreography and costumes.

5. Stanley Kubrick: The famous late director was known for his meticulous attention to detail. He has been labelled as controlling for his desire to control every aspect of his films. This trait has led to long and gruelling production schedules.

While these people have been called control freaks, it doesn’t mean that this is everything they are. Everyone has positive and negative traits. The most important thing is to acknowledge this and treat people with kindness.

The Role of counselling and self care

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When you are dealing with being called a control freak by others and you find it stressful, consider getting support from a professional. Talking to a counselor is a great way to work through a challenging situation, and help you find some strategies to work through the person’s behaviour.

Better Help is a great resource where you can talk to a counselor from the comfort of your own home. 

Taking care of your own needs isn’t selfish, and you will feel better in the long run.

what to say when people call you a control freak

Got any comments, questions or tips for dealing with someone who says you’re a control freak? Share them in the comments below.

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  1. When people call me a control freak I like to say I’m not a control freak, you have a really shitty way of doing things. That’ll shut em up.

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