Use our comebacks if someone is trash talking you behind your back. Check out our top ten comeback lists at

We’ve all had that terrible feeling of being shocked when you find out that somebody we consider a friend has been talking about us behind our back. If you have had a friend share your confidential information with others, STOP sharing your secrets with them immediately.

Candace was shocked to find out that her close friend had been complaining about her to others. She had been friends with Maria since elementary school, and she knew that she gossiped about people. However, she didn’t think she would gossip about one of her best friends.

Candace didn’t believe that Maria had betrayed her at first until another close friend showed her the text of what she had been saying. Maria also shared with a mutual friend that Candace was considering ending her relationship with her boyfriend, and she was worried other students at her university would find out. She felt depressed and stressed out.

Here is a list of top ten comebacks you can use to let the person who talks behind your back know if they have something to say and they should say it to your face.


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Top ten sarcastic comebacks for people who talk behind your back

1. My back is not a voicemail, say it to my face.

2. I don’t worry about those who talk behind my back. They are behind me for a reason.

3. If you have a problem with me, call me. If you don’t have my number you don’t know me well enough to have a problem.

4. If you are talking behind my back clearly my life is more interesting than yours.

5. If you have a problem with me, don’t talk to me. Problem solved.

6. There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that’s not being talked about.

7. If you are talking behind my back clearly my life is more interesting than yours.

8. I pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it just means I’m two steps ahead.

9. It doesn’t bother me that you talk about me behind my back. What pisses me off is you don’t get all the facts right!

10. I’d rather have an enemy that slaps me in the face than a fake friend who stabs me in the back.

Definition of someone who talks behind your back

A person who talks behind your back is someone who speaks badly about you in front of others the moment your back is turned. This may be in the form of spreading rumours and creating false accusations to ruin your reputation.

Having to deal with someone hurling dirty dishes at you when you’re not looking is toxicity at its finest. It’s both damaging to your reputation, relationships and leaves you wondering what else the person is capable of.

How to deal with someone who talks behind your back

Dealing with a back-bitter is like playing catch. These people will deny everything, unless you catch them, red-handed.

So, if you’ve only been surrounded with people who talk straight in your face, you can try these tips.

1.      Address the behaviour

Not talking is worse than talking about it, bear that in mind.

If you feel uncomfortable with a certain behaviour, you should just be upfront about it and address the issue to the person of your concern.

2.      Set boundaries with people who talk behind your back

Through all this mayhem, it’s paramount that you can set some boundaries to protect your mental and emotional space.

You don’t have to put up with situations just because it’s been handed to you. You can always draw a fine line when you’ve had enough.

3.   Don’t engage in the bad behaviour

 Don’t stoop to their level by being the person you detest so much. In responding with a “bad mouther,” you can take the route of being the respectable one.

 Avoid retaliating with bad comments yourself and get all defensive about it. Trust us, it’s what they want. 

4.  Seek support

The great news is that you don’t have to deal with this negative situation by yourself. You can always choose to be surrounded with amazing people in your life. That’s who you should be hanging out in the first place.

5.      Communicate directly

Not everyone loves directly handling situations and talking about them. But if you’re dealing with a person who gossips about you, it’s best to keep things straight and clear.

Remember, you want to avoid further misunderstandings and resolve the issue in the most civil manner. So, let them talk about it with you more openly than behind your back.

How would you feel if someone close talks about you negatively behind your back? Not so great, right?

Behaviours like this are not on you, it’s on them. People who talk behind your back are either too scared to confront the situation or just want to wreak havoc into your life.

Don’t reward their behaviour, by letting this affect your reality. If you can’t stop them, move on from them.

When someone is talking behind your back

More comebacks you might like

Famous people called out for talking about people behind their back

Apparently, these celebs have a lot to say about their colleagues in the industry —just not to their faces.

1.      Taylor Swift

Seems like Taylor Swift is not always the innocent one. The megastar has been criticized for talking about other celebrities badly, hiding behind her sweet personality.

But the critics did not stop there, Swift was also accused of being a hypocrite about her public image.

2.      Kim Kardashian

When it comes to back-biting it doesn’t matter if you’re family, just ask Kim Kardashian.

The reality star turned entrepreneur has been criticized for making fun of her siblings which got people thinking she’s manipulative and self-centered.

3.      Elon Musk

Now, why would a billionaire spend his days gossiping about other people? We don’t actually know why, but Elon Musk proves there’s a case to be had for it.

The Tesla CEO has been accused of hating on his employees and colleagues behind their backs. Even former employees rallied behind it, calling Musk unprofessional and disrespectful.

As sad as it is, everyone is probably guilty of speaking ill about others behind their backs. It has become a human nature. But just because you’ve done it before, it doesn’t mean you should tolerate yourself doing it.

The world is full of amazing things. And you’ll have a hard time noticing them if you’re out here smack-talking people for sport.

The Role of counselling and self care

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When you are dealing with someone who is talking behind your back and you find it stressful, consider getting support from a professional. Talking to a counselor is a great way to work through a challenging situation, and help you find some strategies to work through the person’s behaviour.

Better Help is a great resource where you can talk to a counselor from the comfort of your own home.

Taking care of your own needs isn’t selfish, and you will feel better in the long run.

Check out what to say when people TALK BEHIND YOUR BACK

Got any comments, questions or tips for dealing with people who talk behind your back? Share them in the comments below.

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  1. Hey, my ex best friend is now talking crap behind my back and I was told by my mom to report it to the Vice Principal (again). If it comes up again what should I say to her?

    1. Hi Lori,

      If she is constantly bad mouthing you I think you need to report it. Hopefully she will get the message and move on and leave you alone.

      Good luck,


  2. “I don’t really give a sh*t if you don’t like me. But if you’re gonna act like we’re cool when I’m around, you better act like we’re cool when I’m not around.”

    1. I don’t mind if you don’t like me. But it’s better when you act cool about me when I’m not around than when I am around. This is more cool to say.

  3. At school IDK if people are actually talking behind my back until one of my siblings tell me and it really hurts, I have been bullied by different and same things since 3rd grade, I am not joking, I lost my best friend in 3rd grade and I have been friendless ever since, people are still bullying me today, I hate it, I need more comebacks. Thanks

    1. Well people are stupid to be bullying you and clearly they have no life and are just jealouse of you because you actually have a life and they don’t and i have the same problem so tell the haters to eat a foot ‘not literally’

  4. There is a girl in my class who is passive-aggressive, how do i tell her that I don’t want to do something or that I want to do something differently, when she coerces me, especially in front of teachers.

  5. I have a friend of mine which is talking behind my back with another friend which tells me everything she says but the one that talks bad acts like everything is fine and will deny ever saying anything and also she’s in my group of friends

    1. The same thing is happening to me too! I have a friend of my “friend” that has told me some things that my fake friend has been saying about me behind my back and I confronted her about it and she denied everything. Today I found out that she had said that I am annoying as hell and that I am desperate for love. So desperate that I am trying to date my best friend that is a girl… That is not true. The part of me being with my best friend that I want to be with her is true. I love my best friend for that and my fake friend is saying horrible things that I’m desperate even though she likes all of these different boys and then she calls me desperate. That is so messed up right???? Ughhh what the help do I do? Should I confront her about it or should I just leave it and let her talk shit about me behind my back even more??? ?

  6. I had the same problem earlier today. Something I would say would be: I didn’t know reverse evolution was possible for a human being, but you proved cause you certainly can’t act your age

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