Sometimes you just need to leave people behind in life. Not everybody is going to come with you on your journey. That may be painful, but it is the cold hard truth.
My nephew was friends with a woman I will call Jasmine for a while, she wasn’t who she initially portrayed herself to be. Jasmine had so many good qualities, in fact she was lovely, so it would have been unimaginable that the friendship would fall to pieces.
Jasmine was complaining about her girlfriend and Carson just listened and empathized and tried to show support and said, “Yeah, that’s tough, I can understand why you would be upset in that situation.”
Carson knew the girl that she was complaining about, but he wasn’t invested in the relationship. He liked Jasmine’s friend but he didn’t have an opinion about her either way.
He was busy with his own life trying to work and graduate from university.
Carson wasn’t interested in getting involved in any drama. He was just trying to support his friend when she needed to vent, an ear to listen to, as we all do at times.
Carson was astounded when Jasmine turned the situation around, and said that he had actually said a bunch of horrible things that he had never said.
He didn’t want drama in his life so he didn’t follow up with Jasmine who was transforming into a drama tornado. She said bad things about Carson and tried to turn mutual friends against him. She even reached out to his friends she didn’t know on his Instagram feed. Yep, that’s toxic and weird.
During a stressful time when he was preparing for a final exam she started playing even more mind games.
And this girl that he thought was so nice, wasn’t nice at all.
Maybe Jasmine will change, but at this point, she’s just totally wasting Carson’s life energy.
You have to ask yourself if someone is constantly causing drama do you really want the person in your inner circle or as a close friend? Probably not, sometimes you just have to draw a line in the sand and leave people behind.
Elon Musk or any other thought leader must have encountered people like this throughout their life. But you have to make a conscious choice and decide if you’re going to partake or just walk away.
People who are drama tornados will suck up your mind share and your life energy.
You can have great friends in your life who don’t cause infinite drama.
Sometimes you just need to distance yourself or leave people behind because they’re not going to become part of your long term journey, and it’s for the better because they’re just not worth it.
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