What to say when people insult how

We have all been caught off guard, sometimes hurt, when someone makes a nasty comment about our personality. Below are some of the most common character assaults somebody might say you, and awesome snappy comebacks to the insults.

Next time your bitchy cousin or moronic brother in law calls you selfish, clumsy or weird, you can be prepared with a funny clever comeback.

Help us by voting for what you think its the best comeback to the rude comments below.

A to E

Comebacks if you are called ANTI-SOCIAL
What to say when you are called ANGRY
How to respond when people call you ANNOYING
Clever replies when people call you ARROGANT
How to get people to stop calling you an ASSHOLE
Replies when you are called a BITCH
Replies when people call you BLUNT
Funny replies if you are called BORING
You’re so What to say if you are called BOSSY
What to say when you are accused of being a BRAGGER
Clever replies when you are called CHEAP
Comebacks when people call you COMPETITIVE
Smart replies when you’re called CONCEITED
Clever comebacks if you are called CONDESCENDING
What to say when someone CONTRADICTS YOU
How to reply if you are called a CONTROL FREAK
Replies when you are called CLUMSY
How to respond when people say you’re CRINGY
Funny replies when people call you CRAZY
What to say when you are called CRITICAL
Funny replies if someone says you’re in DENIAL
What to say when you are called DISORGANIZED
How to respond when you are called a DISAPPOINTMENT
Replies when you’re called a DRAMA QUEEN
Funny comebacks when people call you EMO


Our FREE Starter Guide will show you the 3 simple steps you can take right now to stand up for yourself so that you can feel confident. It’s a game changer–get it free for a limited time!

F- M

What to say when you are called FAKE
Best comebacks when people call you FAT
How to respond if you are called a FLIRT
Comebacks when you are called a FREAK
Clever replies when people say you’re FUNNY
Comebacks when someone says you’re FUNNY LOOKING
What to say when you are called a GOLD DIGGER
What to say when you are accused of being a GOSSIP
How to respond when you are called GROSS
Funny replies when someone says you’re HIGH MAINTENANCE
Comebacks when you are called an IDIOT
Clever replies when you are called IMMATURE
What to say when you are called INSECURE
How to respond when someone says you’re IRRESPONSIBLE
Comebacks when someone says you’re IRRITATING
How to respond when people say you’re INSENSITIVE
Snappy replies when you are called JEALOUS
What to say when you are called a KNOW IT ALL
Clever replies when you are called LAZY
How to respond when you are called a LIAR
Comebacks when people call you a LOSER
Funny replies if you are called MESSY
Funny replies if you are called MISERABLE
How to respond if you are called MOODY
Snappy comebacks when you are called a MORON


Our FREE Starter Guide will show you the 3 simple steps you can take right now to stand up for yourself so that you can feel confident. It’s a game changer–get it free for a limited time!

N- R

Comebacks when you are called  a NAG
What to say when you are called NASTY
Replies when you are called NEGATIVE
Comebacks when you are called a NERD
Clever comebacks when people call you a NOOB
Funny comebacks when people call you a PAIN IN THE ASS
What to say when you’re called a PARTY POOPER
How to respond when you are called a PERFECTIONIST
Smart replies when you are called PICKY
What to say if you are called PREDICTABLE
Clever replies if you are called a PROCRASTINATOR
Funny replies when people call you QUIET
How to respond when someone calls you RUDE

S – Z

Comebacks when people say you’re SLOW
Comebacks when people say you’re SALTY
What to say the you are called SARCASTIC
How to respond if you are called SELF ABSORBED
Clever replies when you are called SELFISH
Funny replies when people call you SHY
You’re so Comebacks when people call you SKINNY
Great comebacks when people call you a SLOW
Comebacks when people call you a SLUT
Clever replies if you are called a SMART ASS
Funny replies if you are called a SMARTY PANTS
What to say when people call you a SPAZ
 What to say if you are called STRANGE
How to reply if you are called STUBBORN
Snappy replies if you are called STUCK UP
Comebacks if people call you STUPID
Clever replies if you are called TWO FACED
You’re so How to respond if you are called UGLY
What to say when someone calls you UPTIGHT
How to respond is someone says you’re VENGEFUL
What to say when people call you a VIRGIN
Replies if you are called VULGAR

The Role of counselling and self care

I Should Have Said Media will earn a commission after clicking links on this page at no additional cost to you. Learn more.

When you are dealing with a person who insults you and you find it stressful, consider getting support from a professional. Talking to a counselor is a great way to work through a challenging situation, and help you find some strategies to work through the person’s behaviour.

Better Help is a great resource where you can talk to a counselor from the comfort of your own home. 

Taking care of your own needs isn’t selfish, and you will feel better in the long run.