If you are not a very social person and you enjoy spending a lot of time alone, you may be accused of being anti-social. When you have a partner who likes to go out with friends all of the time, they might not appreciate you wanting to stay home and not accompany them out to social events.
Is it really a crime to want to stay home and binge watch Netflix or curl up with a good book and a glass of wine? Having a great night at home is probably better than spending the evening with people whose company who you don’t really enjoy.
People who are considered anti-social know how to enjoy their own company and don’t need to rely on others to have a good time or be entertained.
If you need a great comeback for being called anti-social, try one of the ones below.
15 Best comebacks for being called anti-social
1. My people skills are just fine, it’s my tolerance of idiots that needs some work.
2. I am not anti-social. I just don’t like you.
3. It’s a beautiful day to leave me alone.
4. Sometimes you just need to disconnect and enjoy your own company.
5. I would love to talk but I am in hurry to get home so I can be alone.
6. I am not anti-social. I’m just anti-stupid.
7. I’ll consider your suggestion along with the other 20 I’ve received today.
8. Thanks for your opinion, but I’m going to continue doing what makes me happy.
9. I prefer to spend time with people who add value to my life, and right now that is a smaller circle.
10. I’m not anti-social, I just need to be alone to recharge my social battery.
11. I am selectively social, in that I have a standard for the people that I hang out with.
12. You make it sound like I don’t like people when you call me anti social. It couldn’t be further from the truth. I just prefer a few good friends over a crowd that I don’t know,
13. It has never been my goal to be the life of the party. I prefer a few good friends.
14. Thank you for your input, but I am not antisocial I’m just more on the introverted side of things, and don’t need as much social interaction.
15. I wouldn’t describe it as anti-social. I prefer my own company over people I don’t have much in common with.
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The definition of anti social
The term “anti-social” refers to someone is not sociable or doesn’t want to spend a lot of time with other people. It can also to refer to a person’s nonchalance over a lot of things, like the well-being of others or society as a whole. Being antisocial is not solely ‘not caring.’ It can be more intense than that and include harmful and disrespectful actions towards others.
Anti-social people are also prone to trouble because they tend to ignore social norms or rules. In some cases, it’s usually associated with serious mental health conditions such as antisocial personality disorder.
Being called anti-social is not a compliment. It’s never used to describe someone positively. Chances are, these words are said with the intention to offend and hurt others.
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How to deal with being called anti social
Hearing people call you anti-social can elicit negative emotions–it hurts. You might feel like you’re misunderstood and misjudged. Sometimes, these hurtful words can even isolate you and gaslight you into thinking they are right.
However, the most important thing is to know yourself better than anyone. Everyone in the world is different– there are people with similar personalities but never identical.
Still, knowing yourself does not make you bulletproof; these words could still hurt and affect you. And for that, here are some tips that may help you in dealing with being called anti-social:
- Understand what it means: Understanding is a huge factor in dealing with this problem. When you understand what the word means, you can analyze what the person implies when they use this term to describe you. You can assess yourself: Why did they call you this? Could it be because you prefer being alone? Or perhaps is it because you don’t hang out with peers as much as them?
- Don’t take it personally: This depends on their tone, but nevertheless, it pays not to take it as an attack on your character or worth as a person. Try not to take it personally and try to understand where the person is coming from.
- Communicate your needs: If you are inside a friend group and feel you’d prefer to spend time alone or in smaller groups, communicate. Communication is an important part of socialization. Let them know how much you like their company but would prefer to be alone for now.
- Seek support: If you feel like the constant ‘name-calling’ is causing you distress and is evidently affecting your mental health, seek support. You can talk to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional.
Embrace your personality: You know yourself better than anyone. There is nothing wrong with being an introvert or wanting to spend a little ‘me time.’ It’s just who you are, and that’s okay!
Famous people who have been called out for being anti social
Being called anti-social has been almost a norm for an uninformed population. However, it does not take away the fact that it might be hurtful. The word ‘anti-social’ can mean different things in different contexts.
Here are a few famous people who have been in the media for being anti social:
- Howard Hughes: Hughes was a famous businessman and aviator. He was a known recluse and avoided public appearances as much as he could. He suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which caused him to prefer isolation.
- J.D. Salinger: If you are a reader, you would immediately recognize the author of “The Catcher in the Rye.” Despite being famous, he was a very private person, which is apparent in how he avoided public appearances and interviews. It was reported that he suffered from social anxiety and was thus described as antisocial.
- Greta Garbo: Unlike most celebrities, Greta did not like the stereotypical Hollywood lifestyle. She retired from acting at a relatively young age and lived a peaceful and private life until her death in 1990.
- Marlon Brando: Brando was a legendary actor, but that’s not the only thing he’s famous for. He was also known for his unique character. He suffered from depression and avoided interviews and public appearances too. Former colleagues described him as someone difficult to work with.
- Mark Zuckerberg: Zuckerberg has been a very prominent figure in the tech world. He has met a lot of people, and many of them would describe him as someone socially awkward. He has been recently criticized for his lack of transparency which some recognize as a sign of antisocial tendencies.
Janice’s family thought she was anti social
Janice’s family thought she was anti-social because she enjoyed alone time. They couldn’t understand why she would rather spend her weekends reading or going for a walk by herself than hanging out with friends or family. They often made comments about how she needed to be more social and outgoing, which made Janice feel like there was something wrong with her.
Janice was fed up with all of the lectures, she told her family that she enjoyed spending time alone because it helped her recharge and gave her space to reflect on her thoughts and feelings. She also explained that she loved spending time with her family and friends, but that she needed to balance that with time for herself.
Her family didn’t really get it her need to be “anti social” as they called it, but they agreed to respect her boundaries and even encouraged her to take more time for herself if she needed it.
Janice’s family has different needs when it comes to socializing and that it’s important to respect those differences. Taking time for yourself is an important part of self-care and that it’s okay to prioritize your own needs sometimes.
The Role of counselling and self care
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When you are dealing with being called anti social by others and you find it stressful, consider getting support from a professional. Talking to a counselor is a great way to work through a challenging situation, and help you find some strategies to work through the person’s behaviour.
Better Help is a great resource where you can talk to a counselor from the comfort of your own home.
Taking care of your own needs isn’t selfish, and you will feel better in the long run.
OR say I’m not anti-social, I’m just anti stupid people!
That was exactly what I needed!
I’m not anti social, I am just really pro me.
Say “I’m introverted, there’s a difference between the two, care to-do some research?”
I am not anti-social. Im pro leave me the f*uck alone.
I’m not anti social rather I am selectively social ??
I need this!