How to reply if you are called a slut or hoe

It can be embarrassing and hurtful when a mean girl or a bully calls you a slut in front of a bunch of other people at school or online. If you get a lot of male attention some girls may get jealous, especially if nobody notices them.

There is a double standard for women when it comes to sex. If a girl hooks up with a guy, she can be slut-shamed and called all kinds of terrible names, and if a guy hooks up with someone, he is rewarded with praise. The worst part of it all is women can be the worst offenders, turning and putting down other women.

People are always going to talk about others, what matters is if you agree with them or not. If you know that you’re not a slut then don’t worry about it and try not to let their words get to you.

Here are a few clever slut comebacks that you might find useful next time someone calls you a hoe.

17 Best comebacks when someone calls you a slut or hoe

1. Yeah, I taught your boyfriend that thing you like.

2. I’m the opposite of a slut because I’ll never give a f*ck.

3. It is funny how the people who know me the least have the most to say.

4. Slut jokes are just whoreable.

5. You have a gift for being really rude.

6. I don’t waste brain power on idiots.

7. Thanks for telling me, I guess I’ll have to reevaluate my life. (Said sarcastically)

8. Now if only someone cared about what you thought.

9. Whatever you need to tell yourself…

10. You call yourself a Christian but Jesus wasn’t a snob who judged people for their imperfections.

11. It’s not okay for you to comment on my sex life, it is not your concern and is highly inappropriate.

12. What I do in my sex life is none of your business.

14. Why do you even care about my sex life?

15. They were right what they said about you.

16. It’s humorous how you think your opinion counts.

17. Do you always try and slut shame people?

Definition of the word slut

The term slut or ho is often used as an offensive and derogatory word that shames, insults and devalues people, usually women, based on their perceived sexual behaviour.

The definition of the word “slut” in its non-offensive context, can refer to a person with an untidy appearance or behaviour.

It isn’t clear where the word slut originated, but it apparently came from the Middle Ages. During that time period, the word meant a woman who was untidy in appearances but the word was not associated with sexual behaviour. Over the years, the word slut has become a derogatory term that insults and shames women.

How to deal with people  calling you a slut or a ho

How to deal with being called a slut

If can be very hurtful if someone calls you a slut. Just because someone says something about you doesn’t mean it is true.

1. Try to remain calm: Don’t let the person’s words trigger you. Don’t give the person making the comments the satisfaction of being upset.

2. Say something: you can let the person know that their words are not OK.

3. Walk away: you could walk away and ignore their hurtful woods.

4. Seek support: If you are upset talk to a good friend about what happened.

Remember that you are not the only person in the world who has ever been called a derogatory name. It says more about the person doing the name calling than it does about you.


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More comebacks you might like

Many girls are called a slut for no reason in high school. Check out Snooki’sbullying  story below.

Reality star Snooki Polizzi was bullied and called a hoe in high school

By Amy Nicole Waltney – Snooki-105, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

“[The older girls] made up a rumor that I had got it in the ass by one of the seniors. They were calling me 5Stinkin’ Incan for the longest time. I was like, ‘I’ve never even had sex, he didn’t put it in my butt! Then they wrote ‘Nicole’s a slut’ on the walls and made my life a living hell. I think that’s why I’m such a strong person today.” – Rolling Stone Magazine

Famous women who have been called a slut or hoe

For years women have been insulted and called derogatory names including slut. A few famous women who have been subjected to this insulting language include:

1. Taylor Swift: The singer has been mocked and called a slut for her very public dating life that she talks about in her songs.

2. Monica Lewinsky: The former White House intern was publicly shamed and called a slut when she was caught having sexual relations with Bill Clinton.

3. Madonna: The singer has been called a slut for always pushing the envelope and expressing herself sexuality.


Our FREE Starter Guide will show you the 3 simple steps you can take right now to stand up for yourself so that you can feel confident. It’s a game changer–get it free for a limited time!

The Role of counselling and self care

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When you are dealing with being called slut by others and you find it stressful, consider getting support from a professional. Talking to a counselor is a great way to work through a challenging situation, and help you find some strategies to work through the person’s behaviour.

Better Help is a great resource where you can talk to a counselor from the comfort of your own home. 

Taking care of your own needs isn’t selfish, and you will feel better in the long run.

Got any comments, questions or tips for dealing with someone who calls you a slut or a hoe. Share them in the comments below.

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    1. This one time on facebook this random dude called me a slut so i said, i think you have the wrong person better go check your mom… Oh and btw when you see her dont forget to mention if she has a headache her head was hiting the wall pretty hard last night when my dad was banging her from behind…;)shh i wont tell anyone except the whole internet.

    1. Love this one. Someone keeps calling me a hoe because an embarrassing photo of me got out to guys I don’t even know. I am having lots of trouble over it and I would really like something to say rather than “F U”

      1. What you need to do is ingnore them what i had to do when I was bullied about how short I was people would say I was a slut because everyone thinks tiny people are the ones that think they have to be perfect all I did was block them on all social media’s and ignore them they went away.

  1. Hahahhaa thats funny cause i must pull more boys then you, the only thing you will be pulling is your undies up

  2. Mean girl: you are such a slut.
    Me: can you define the word slut?
    Mean girl: *list down meaning*
    Me: bitch, i said define the word slut. Not give me a description of yoursel.

  3. -You are a slut
    1-Is not being a “slut”, is just the normal attention guys give to girls…your point of view is so sad.
    2-The fact no one cares about you doesn’t makes everyone else sluts.
    3-You say “you are a slut” but all I can hear is “please someone look at me!”.
    4-Interesting…why do think your oppinion even matters?
    5-(over acting) OMG! some important person giving an opinion about me! (look at her) oh, ok, is only you.
    6-That’s what you need to do to feel good about yourself? Just sad.
    7-Awww you need to do that to grab my attention?

    1. Hmm, I mean you could say ‘at least I can get into a real relationship which is probably the opposite of your fake personality!’ And in some context’ o can make my phone battery last longer than your relationships…’

  4. I hear that a lot too.
    if ur sassy: “At least I’m not stupid enough to do anything with you” or “Aww, thanks, you too”
    or something more mature: “No, I’m really not, but thanks for caring… What makes you ask?”
    Clearly, he is trying to bother you, so don’t let it and he’ll go away.
    If it’s just one guy saying it, he’s probably jealous and trying to get your attention. Sometimes guys say mean things to someone they like, trust me

  5. You could say something nice to them, it would get on their nerves that you are not getting mad nor are they hurting your feelings and they would eventually stop. If you say something like that hurt my feelings apologize then they are going to continue doing it, but if you say something like you have the prettiest hair then they will get mad that you are not reacting the way they want you too and thus they would stop.

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