mean mouthy drunk saying rude thingsAsk Bryn

I am a 57-year-old smart dressed lady and a drunken 55 year old rough hag with a foul mouth keeps giving me a hard time. She keeps bothering me in a public setting, saying rude things to me trying to instigate an argument.

What can I say to make her leave me alone? I would like to cut her down in front of everybody and I don’t want to swear, that is not my style.


Michelle, Australia


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Hey Michelle,

I am sorry to hear that you have to deal with such a difficult and obnoxious person. If a person has an alcohol problem, it is unlikely they will change until they get the help they need.

Always make sure you are new a safe situation if you say something to someone who has been drinking.

Here are a few things you can say without losing your dignity if she verbally attacks you.

1. Did you mean to be so rude?

2. In order for you to insult me I would have to value your opinion. Nice try though.

3. Happy, secure people have no need to put others down.

4. Please cancel my subscription; I have had enough of your issues.

5. I see no point in arguing with you. You do a fine job of proving your complete ignorance on your own

Wishing you all good things.


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Got any comments, questions or tips for dealing with a drunk person saying rude things? Share them in the comments below.

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