We all suffer from being a little gassy from time to time, but it can embarrassing when you are singled out and asked, “Did you fart?” It is even more mortifying if you are asked if you farted in front of a group of people.
You could try to run off to another area of the room and blame it on someone else, but it really is not necessary. After all, farting is natural and everyone does it, so nobody should be getting on their high horse and giving you a hard time.
Next time you are accused of letting some gas rip, use one of our clever comebacks and shut the person up.
15 Best comebacks when someone asks if you farted
1. No darling, I didn’t fart. I just blew you a kiss with my bottom.
2. I fart because it’s the only gas I can afford!
3. I didn’t fart, I whispered in my panties.
4. Farting is normal. Behaving like an asshole is not.
5. Nah, just talking out my ass!
6. It was a ‘butt cough
7. That was just a starter. There’s more where that came from…
8. If you aren’t gagging and grasping for air then it wasn’t one of mine.
9. I guess I need to check with the asshole behind me.
10. Smells like teen spirit.
11. Whoever said the rhyme did the crime.
12. What’s a little gas between friends?
13. Well, if you’re the first person to notice, then that means it most likely came from you.
14. That’s right, typical of you blaming me for things you actually did.
15. Don’t try to blame it on me, stinky pants!
More comebacks you might like
Definition of a fart
A fart is simply gas releasing from the body digestive system through the rectum. It is a natural occurrence after the body breaks down food and gas is produced as a byproduct.
Farts are usually composed of the following: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases. The amusing thing is that some farts vary in sound and odor, depending on several factors including the person’s general health, digestion and their diet.
Farting is a natural part of the human experience, yet people consider it rude behavior, especially in certain social settings.

Why do some people fart more than others?
It’s a fact that some folks fart more and are a little gassier than others. There are mamy reasons why people pass gas more frequently including gut health, diet and differences in diets.
Certain foods are known to make people toot like beans or high fibre foods can aid in gas production and increase a person’s flatulence.
Taking in air can also lead to gas and certain digestive conditions may increase gas output.
The Role of counselling and self care
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When you are dealing with people who make fun of you because you farted and you’re gassy and you find it stressful, consider getting support from a professional. Talking to a counselor is a great way to work through a challenging situation, and help you find some strategies to work through the person’s behaviour.
Better Help is a great resource where you can talk to a counselor from the comfort of your own home.
Taking care of your own needs isn’t selfish, and you will feel better in the long run.
Or say “No, My butt just burped”
Another good one is
Yes, but I thought sharing is caring
No effence that’s actually lame
no, my butt just sings to me. Sometimes it’s a loud song.
Love it!
or just say, No but I will if you want me to!
Pardon me for being so rude, it wasn’t me it was my food!
“No…did YOU?”
Me *burp. Random asshole “Ewwwww”. Me (again) “smart fart took the elevator up”
Did you know that a person farts about 16 times a day on average? So if someone asks you if you fart, say, “Yes, you just did five times without realizing!”
that was so good that you made facts into a comeback
yeah janie that is so good
(When there are at least three ppl present.)
Friend One: Did you fart?
Friend Two: Yea! (Turns to Friend Three &, convincingly, says, with no noticeable sarcasm & like they really mean it.) Do you believe this guy?!
yes now that you’re making me that embarrassed about it, Can I always come here & blame it on you!
Nah, just talking out my ass!
That is such a good comeback that I am going to add it to the poll.
hah funny
No, I think what you are smelling is the musk of your own stupidity.
who ever smelt it delt it.
who ever said the rime did the crime.
Yeah, I did and I am about to burp right in your face !
how about “sharing is caring”
No, I think you just smelled your own Body Oder
no my butt just likes to talk to me a lot
Nah I think you’re smelling that shitty personality of yours.