Urban dictionary defines “Whats wrong with you! as an insult, a real put down, accusing a person of not being sane or being inhumanly incorrect.”
Going around and asking people rude questions like, “What’s wrong with you isn’t going to win a person a lot of friends. The person asking you that question needs to give their head a shake.
Maybe you look a little different or have a disability and people ask intrusive questions. If that is the case, you don’t have to explain anything or provide an explanation.
Feel free to use one of our comebacks below and shut the person up.
21 best comebacks when someone says what’s wrong with you
1. Do you want a list?
2. For some reason I keep hanging around idiots like you, it is a real problem!
3. The only thing wrong with me is I am talking to you.
4. If you are going to question every weirdo in the city, you are in for a long day.
5. Not much, my mother had me tested.
6. I have to tolerate people like you!
7. Right now, it’s you!
8. Shall I provide a list ordered alphabetically or by severity?
9. The voices in my head tell me I’m fine.
10. Well, how much time have you got?
11. Too many things to count!
12. Neither of us have enough time for that answer!
13. Everything! And you’re not helping
14. According to my doctor a lot!
15. Do you mean besides you asking rude questions?
16. Nothing, and I actually have a certificate to prove it!
17. Your mom isn’t returning my calls.
18. I’ve got 99 problems and none that I’ll talk about with you.
19. I think something is wrong with you for asking me that question.
20. Don’t you mean what isn’t wrong with me?
21. I’m not sure, but I think I don’t feel well when I have to deal with idiots.
Our FREE Starter Guide will show you the 3 simple steps you can take right now to stand up for yourself so that you can feel confident. It’s a game changer–get it free for a limited time!
Why do people ask what’s wrong with you?
There could be a several different reasons why the people in your life might ask “what’s wrong with you?” It’s true that they could be concerned for your well being and want to know if there is anything they can do to help.
When people ask “what’s wrong with you?” in a snarky way, the are usually being critical or judgemental. They are protecting that that you are behaving in an appropriate way, or that there is something wrong with you.
It’s possible that they are genuinely concerned about your well-being and are noticing that something seems off or different about you. They may be trying to check in and see if there’s anything they can do to help.
We all see things differently, what’s acceptable in one part of the world might not be tolerated in someone else. If you feel hurt when someone asks “what’s wrong with you?” and it is upsetting, you have the right to question why they are saying that or set some boundaries.
Be prepared for a difficult person
If you have to deal with a difficult person who gives you a hard time, our book Snappy Comebacks any Situation can help you out. Be prepared for challenging people with clever responses on your phone or device any time or anywhere.
Our FREE Starter Guide will show you the 3 simple steps you can take right now to stand up for yourself so that you can feel confident. It’s a game changer–get it free for a limited time!
Kristin Stewart was picked on for being different
Kristin Stewart was bullied as a teenager for not dressing like the other kids at school. “Look at a picture of me before I was 15. I am a boy. I wore my brother’s clothes, dude!” she tells Vanity Fair. Stewart shares, “But it’s not like I didn’t care that they made fun of me. It really bothered me. I remember this girl in sixth grade looked at me in gym and was like, ‘Oh my God! That’s disgusting — you don’t shave your legs!” Even though Kristen Stewart is a big movie start nowadays, she still faces a lot of criticism from press. She says she doesn’t care about what her critics have to say.
More comebacks you might like
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Eve was mad her mom said ‘what’s wrong with you?’
Eve was taken aback when her mom asked, “What’s wrong with you?” in a moment of frustration. She felt a surge of anger and hurt at being spoken to in such a way. Instead of reacting impulsively, Eve took a deep breath and calmly expressed her feelings to her mom.
She explained that the question made her feel invalidated and upset, and she wished her mom had approached the situation with more empathy. Her mom listened attentively, realizing the impact of her words, and apologized for the insensitivity of her question.
This moment of open communication allowed them to understand each other better. They discussed healthier ways to address their feelings and concerns, and Eve’s mom promised to be more mindful of her words in the future.
From that day on, their relationship grew stronger as they both made an effort to communicate with empathy and understanding. Eve learned the importance of expressing her feelings, and her mom realized the significance of her words and their impact on her daughter. Their bond deepened through this experience, and they both felt more connected and supported.
The Role of counselling and self care
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When you are dealing with a person who says what’s wrong with you and you find it stressful, consider getting support from a professional. Talking to a counselor is a great way to work through a challenging situation, and help you find some strategies to work through the person’s behaviour.
Better Help is a great resource where you can talk to a counselor from the comfort of your own home.
Taking care of your own needs isn’t selfish, and you will feel better in the long run.
People shouldn’t ask such shit.
My reply would be:
” I was about to say that! Are you an esper? ” lol
Whats an esper
A person who has powers like esp.
A lot, because I’m talking to you right now
One thing is wrong with me, I’m talking to you.
That’s a great comeback!
How about “Keep your self-talk to yourself”?
I would answer “I don’t want to waste my time explaining this to someone that does not have enough brain capacity to handle such a long list.” 🙂
Bully: what’s wrong with you?
Me: the fact that I’m talking to you.
Unfortunately, this is one of those questions that people continue asking well into adulthood…at least, that’s been MY experience. I’m currently 36 years old. I’ve been in therapy since I was 13, and have never been shy about that fact. So, when I’m asked the question “What is wrong with you?!” I always stop short, whip my head around to look at them with eyes wide, and say “We’re not ENTIRELY sure, but after 23 years of therapy, we have some IDEAS!”
… Depending on the audience, I sometimes elaborate with “It turns out it’s mostly because of my mother!” (Which is DOUBLY funny because #1 Sigmund Freud (one of psychology’s “founding fathers”) believed that the mother is the [main] cause of A LOT of psychological disorders AND #2 because my mother IS BAT-SHIT CRAZY AND the DIRECT cause of A LOT of trauma/turmoil in my life
…And then, of course, there’s the ADDED BENEFIT of pushing the “blame” of “the [so-called] PROBLEM with ME” _OFF_ of _ME_and _ONTO_ _SOMEONE ELSE!_
What about not talking to them ever again?
The only thing that is wrong with me is that you are approaching me and talking to me.