Catch a school bully with a hidden camera

Many parents have used cameras if they suspect that their child is being bullied at school and they want to get to the bottom of what is really going on. Jacqueline, the mother of a 10 year old, could not understand what was happening at school causing her daughter to be so upset and withdrawn. After asking her daughter and trying to figure out what was wrong without getting any answers, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Jacqueline purchased a small camera that looked like a happy face button and put it on her daughter’s clothing.

What she found out was surprising, her daughter’s supposed best friend was acting like a bully and excluding her daughter from their friend group. Knowing what was really happening gave Jacqueline the tools to help her daughter deal with the situation. Kids can miss subtle social cues, sometimes they don’t actually know what is going on and can’t articulate the problem when you ask themwhat’s bothering them.


Get the BLUEPRINT that Enables any Parent to teach their child how to shut down teasing, and stop being a target for bullies in just 2 Weeks. Get started now with our FREE Bully Proofing workshop.

Using a camera to capture bullying may not be legal everywhere, using a hidden camera you may be breaking a law. For some parents taking that chance is worth it, in the case of Kandy Escotto who found out her five year old son was being bullied by his kindergarten teacher. Her son’s teacher, RosalbSuarez,who was named teacher of the year was caught on tape verbally bullying her son.

May our our readers have reached out to us about hidden cameras they have used. Below are the top recommendations for catching bullying at school

Watch our free training on how to bully proof your child.

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