Ask Bryn

People at school have been making fun of my YouTube channel. I put a lot of time and effort into it, so seeing people shit all over it is very upsetting to me. Can you maybe give me some comebacks that are really rude and shocking for this situation?
Hey Simon,
It is hurtful when you are starting out, trying to create something and people who are closest to you make negative comments. You often find the people who criticize are the same people who never take any chances or risks, the armchair quarterbacks of life.
Don’t let someone’s opinion of you become your reality. PewDiePie wasn’t as funny and entertaining when he first started, check out some of his earlier videos. Keep going and don’t give up!
Here are a few things you can say
1) Not everyone has to like me, I can’t force you to have good taste.
2) Know what’s funny? Not you, so shut up! In order for you to insult me I would have to value your opinion. Nice try though.
3) I can always count on you to relentlessly point out the negative.
4) I farted… that’s as close as you’re going to get to me giving a shit.
Rude comebacks
1) Those penis enlargement pills are working. You are twice the dick you were yesterday.
2) Keep your miserable ass away from me.
3) I’d like to see your point of view but I can’t get my head that far up my ass. Good luck!