It can be sad to see someone you love constantly stressed out and worried about everyone and everything. For some folks being worried or stressed out is a state of being. Your life becomes what you think about and if you are constantly thinking worrisome thoughts you will be in a negative state most of the time.
Worrying about things you have no control over and working yourself up into a negative state isn’t helpful. When Trump was elected as President some people went into a state of hysteria, it was as if it was the end of the world. I heard about one man who was so depressed he couldn’t get out of bed. He was truly ruining his day because he could not control his thinking about the situation. Was the world any different than the day before Trump got elected, not really?
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We all go through stressful periods of life where we may get hit with one or two serious issues at the same time. When this happens to worry is valid, it can be very hard to cope, and it is important to reach out and get professional help or connect with a friend who can help you solve your problems.
We are only on the planet for a short amount of time, when you look back on your life you will probably really regret wasting a lot of time worrying about a lot of stuff that really doesn’t matter. The best thing we can all do is try to extract the greatest possible joy out of the time we have on this earth.
We’ve all met someone who worries incessantly. Here are a few kind words for the worrywart in your life.
Top ten things to say to a worry wart
1. 99% of the things you worry about will never happen.
2. Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
3. Worrying will never change the outcome.
4. Focus on the positives and soon the negatives will disappear.
5. Be a warrior, not a worrier.
6. Worrying is like praying for what you don’t want.
7. Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength.
8. Don’t worry, just care and be prepared.
9. Why worry if you have done the very best you can. Worrying won’t make it any better.
10. Worrying is literally betting against yourself.
Why do some people worry so much?
People may worry for a variety of different reason, and it’s a natural response to stressful situations. Some common reasons that folks worry excessively are:
1. Anxiety Disorders
People who suffer from anxiety disorders may experience continuous and excessive worry that can interfere with their daily life.
2. Past Experiences
If an individual has experienced a traumatic experience, or a negative event they may have a heightened sense of worry about future potential problems.
3. Past Trauma
Previous traumatic experiences or negative events can lead to heightened worry about similar situations in the future.
4. Certain Personality Traits
Certain personality traits, such as overthinking or perfectionism can lead to chronic worrying.
5. Stress
High levels of stress, whether related to work, relationships, or other factors, can lead to increased worry about various aspects of life.
6. Uncertainty
If you are uncertain about the future or a specific outcome it may trigger excessive worrying.
7. Biological Factors
Brian chemistry and a person’s genetic makeup can predisposition people to excessive worry. You may have met someone young, who is naturally worried about everything and this may be a result of biological factors.
Excessive worrying can take a toll on a person and impact your overall well being. When worry becomes difficult to manage, reaching out to a get some help can help relieve stress.
How to best support someone who worries
When you are trying to support a worrier, be understanding and act with empathy. Try to listen to their concerns without any judgement, so they feel safe opening up to you and sharing their truth. When you let the person know that you truly care, and you validate their feelings, your reassurance will let them know that they are not alone with their challenges.
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Daniel worried about this out of his control
Daniel often found himself consumed with worry about things that were out of his control. Whether it was the uncertainty of the future, the opinions of others, or unforeseen events, his mind often gravitated towards these concerns, causing him significant distress.
Daniel’s constant preoccupation with the unknown left him feeling overwhelmed and unable to fully enjoy the present moment, impacting his overall well-being and peace of mind. Recognizing the toll that worrying about the uncontrollable was taking on his mental health, he decided to take proactive steps to manage his anxiety. Through mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, he learned to ground himself in the present and redirect his focus to what he could influence.
Seeking support from a therapist or counselor also provided him with valuable coping strategies and a safe space to explore his worries. With time and practice, Daniel began to cultivate a greater sense of resilience and acceptance, finding relief from the burden of concerns beyond his control and embracing a more balanced and peaceful mindset.
The Role of counselling and self care
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When you are dealing with someone who worries and you find it stressful, consider getting support from a professional. Talking to a counselor is a great way to work through a challenging situation, and help you find some strategies to work through the person’s behaviour.
Better Help is a great resource where you can talk to a counselor from the comfort of your own home.
Taking care of your own needs isn’t selfish, and you will feel better in the long run.