When you are having a discussion, and trying to argue your point or explain something to somebody it can be beyond annoying when they tell you to shut up. Usually, the person who told you to shut up thinks that their gibberish is much more important than yours, and they continue talking trying to explain your point.
If you do have a tendency to ramble on forever and you don’t realize it, maybe you want to listen the next time someone tells you off.
If you want to let the person know that you are not OK with their attitude, use one of our clever comebacks.
Go ahead, and tell us what you think, and vote for the best answer! If you can think of an even better answer, do share in the comments below!
Best comebacks when you’re told to shut up
1. I will not be silenced.
2. I’m sorry but I did not order a glass of your opinion.
3. Cool story bro. In what chapter do YOU shut up?
4. That’s right, you cannot shut your mouth. How will all that hot air escape?
5. Thanks, but I function better without unsolicited advice.
It is shocking when someone tells you to shut up
Getting told to shut up can be shocking, especially if it comes about unexpectedly or from someone you care about. It can sting and make you feel as though your thoughts are unimportant. It’s very typical to be surprised or upset when this occurs. Your emotions are valid.
But here’s the trick: don’t take it personally. People say things for various reasons, and it’s not always about you. Maybe they’re having a difficult day or struggling with something personal. It doesn’t necessarily imply that they dislike you.
How to deal with someone telling you to shut up
Dealing with someone who tells you to “shut up” can be tricky, but keeping your cool and treating the person with care is essential. Here’s how to deal with this kind of conversation:
- Keep your cool: Take a deep breath and remain calm. It’s normal to feel hurt or upset when someone tells you to be quiet, but responding with anger or violence could worsen the situation.
- Consider the situation: Think about what was said and who said it. Was it said in the heat of an argument, in a casual chat, or as a joke? Getting a sense of the situation can help you decide what to say.
- Express Your Feelings: Tell them how their comment made you feel in a cool and direct way. Use “I” words to show your feelings without pointing fingers or making accusations. For example, you could say, “I felt hurt when you told me to shut up.”
- Time to Disconnect: If someone is rude or ignoring your concerns, it might be best to disengage from the discussion or remove yourself from the situation. Sometimes, taking a little breather and prioritizing your emotional well-being is okay.
Remembering how you respond when someone tells you to shut up can reveal a lot about your maturity and emotional intelligence. Responding with respect and assertiveness can work like magic to ease tension and make our conversations more fruitful.
More Snappy comebacks you might like
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Some one tells me to shut up I would say make me
I would have said shut don’t go up
Why can’t I shut down?
Because I already have
Yeah he already has !
Ok here is one they totally forgot that’s extremely good and makes sense here it is…
I don’t know how to shut up can you show me an example
Not trying to brag but this is one of my best roasts yet :).
I would say Shut don’t go up prices do, if I were you i’d shut up too
No but I saw that your store was shut down so if I try open it you will rage
I would say I don’t shut up I WhatsApp ???
I would just be like sure now why don’t you start to shut off your your mouth
Why dont u shut down i didnt order bottle of ur advise
I would say u should take ur own advice
Yeah be like…”You should take your own advice!” Lol! But how they gonna respond????? and what do we say?????
You can’t make anybody to something
Thanks u
Hate that saying. My friend is really annoying, and I tell her to shut up, and she says, “Make me.” Which really annoys me. I wouldn’t do that. ‘Cause I’d tackle her down to the floor, and get what she deserves.
Just be nice then ? funny tho nice job.
So if she says make me just say
“I can’t do that. Your parents already made that mistake.”
You tell someone to shut up
they say make me
just say “you’re lucky i’m not
Why is she your friend if she keeps saying “Make me” after you tell her to shut up? Is she toxic?
You’re friends must be nice n boring then
Ha, just say Please, I don’t make trash, I burn it.
If she says make me tell her ‘’ no I didn’t make you your mum did
Bad idea they might get what you want
they will say I don’t make trash I burn them(~_~)
Then burn me. You’d be speechless.
Say I would roast you but my mum said I’m not allowed to burn trash
Bruh they would make fun of u for copying tik tok
But i would comebock you saying “Im sorry, i dont want to make you”
Your name is spelled the same way mine is, Cloe!!!!! Finally, I am not the only one!!! Sorry, really excited.
hahahha, ur dumb ass parents have clearly done that – what i would say back to u
When people tell me to shut up, I say:
“We have a mouth for a reason”
You are a genius…
If someone said that to me I would say
“God gave you ONE of these *point to mouth* and TWO of these *point to ears* for a reason”
When someone says “Make me,” i would say “I don’t make stupid.”
when someone says shut up to me I say
“why are you still talking then”
Yeah but everyone says that. Its not really new and besides saying that to certain people will get you punched lol. You don’t want that sis
That wouldn’t work because my situation is a group chat where he could kick me out.
but then they can come back and say i dont make trash i build it
You can say “polish my shoes and get up “
that might not work because when you say make me they might say just did.
I’d say nah I’d rather finish
Well I would say make me make you
I don’t shut up. I grow up, and your ugly ass face makes me want to throw up! (Credit to owner)
That’s funny I couldn’t even take it
Your a pro man it’s so funny 🙂
That’s funny right there I’m gonna use it
Thats Sad {- : Look upside down
I made that. Well, I can’t blame you, I did put it on the internet. Thanks for the credit.
You should make a rap battle
Okay okay winner over here
..U r ma freakin hero ??…made ma nyt
I will remember this
Stop talking to your self
Roses are red voilets are blue i have 5 fingers and the middle ones for you!
do you mean ” i have 5 fingers the 3rds one for you”
Same thing
hahaha i know
No. If i was meant to be quiet, i would have a zipper attached to my mouth. Though you could use one.
My reply to the statement (Shut up) mentioned above will be :- Am afraid, am not wearing a shirt ?.
Reply 1: I’m not a door so I can’t shut up
Reply 2: Only someone stupid would say shut up because they are so dumb they can’t even think of something better than shut up
I’m not excercising the fifth at the moment, sorry.
i would say shut up will suit ur mouth better or i didn’t ask for ur opinion on how i should control my mouth
If someone told me to shut up i would say ‘Firstly, you have no way of making me shut up. Secondly, if I obeyed the command of every idiotic troll on the internet, you wouldn’t be here talking to me now. Yet another idiot that talks before they think, that opens their trap and comes up with yet another reason why people are stupid.’
I’m so going to use that on my friend
When somebody tells me to shut up I would say I know you ain’t talking to me cause your the one with the blabber mouth. ?
person-shut up
me-no imma shut up when I want to shut up
person-stupid ass ugly bitch
me-if im ugly, then stop looking at me then like, hellooo
You know, you are the classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain.
i would say that its my mouth so i can do whatever i want to do
No. You can, though.
I would say I would roast u but my mom told me not to play with trash
I would say I would roast u but my mom told me the oven is full
or “i would roast you, but my mom said im not allowed to burn trash”
Well, I can easily be quiet when I want to but you can’t stop being ugly. Too bad
i would say i dont have a shutter
I can’t. I am not the blabbering baboon like you
What about…
A diaper should be put on your face, ’cause that’s where the crap is coming from.
I copied a person on here… xP…sorry people, I’m just really lame.
Dude that’s awesome I’m so using that
I was singing along to a song at karaoke in a pub when this gay guy shouted shut up to me at least 3 times!!! His friend whisked him away and apologised to me. mind you on my go I did sing #Man in the mirror# by Michael Jackson and #(You make me wanna) Shout# by Lulu. Being female I didn’t want to inflame the situation because he seemed to want to hit me so I drank up and left! But usually in response to being told to shut up or ‘f-off I would simply say “You first”.
My comeback is to say: your the one who should shut up your moth is bigger than the population of china
Shut up
I can but I don’t want to
You can’t control my mouth, but I can so sorry.
I would say make me or I have a mouth for a reason
You’re just jealous because you know you yourself can’t shut the frick up.
Polish my shoes and get up….
Hold I need a minute to think about …… ummmmm NO!!!!
I’m so using this on this annoying ass boy I swear.
1) Do you want me to shut up because you’re to slow to comprehend what I’m saying? 2) I think if you feel the need to tell someone what to do you should get a girlfriend/Boyfriend.
Yea my teacher is rude and she says “shut up” to people. So if anyone is reading this, please reply a comeback to a teacher????
Mrs/Ms. (teacher’s name) I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you have a right to talk to students like that. You’re a adult and you should be a role model, but you’re out here telling children to shut up. You don’t have the right to be so discourteous/impolite/ill-mannered/bad-mannered. If anything I suggest you to take some of your own advise and listen to what you say.
If someone told me to shut up I would say “well what is soooooo important that I have no right to speak at the moment is a famous person speaking or do you want people to feel bad about something that happened to you. Oh and this one to “ok if something is so important that I have to shut up then maybe you might learn to shut it to
if someone says “make me” say “make me make you” they’ll be surprised and confused. Then say “Mission Accomplished” quietly.
yo I actually tried that before ngl and it worked XD
What I do: “I’ll shut up when you shut up.” -Winks and Walks away (Or starts talking to Friends)-
1.) Lead by example!
2.) Bite me.
i have a extremely good one just say: why don’t you take your own advice
i would say “ur mouth”
*if you tell someone to shut up and they say.
* make me just say your mum already made that mistake
just hit em with an ok boomer XD
If someone says “make me” the best roast is ” I don’t make trash (or garbage) I burn it.”
I would’ve said, “Oh I’m sorry, but I don’t believe I take orders from a brainless idiot, and if my voice bothers you so much there is something called ignoring I suggest you try that. If that doesn’t work I think you should move away from me like 10 miles away. If that still doesn’t work than you could’ve said it in a more polite way, but then I realized you’re a rude, immature, and brainless child, so you can’t. Now, thank you for wasting my time I will be continuing my day. :))
If people say make me I just say “sorry I don’t make stupid people like you
thx lol they started to cry in a game LOL
id say ” please, a sheep cant shut me up “
I honestly would say why don’t you say that to someone who gives a damn.
Shut up ?..Does that mean you’re going to speak words of wisdom?
I’d rather just say ” that’s a good idea bro, I think you should try it “
I’ve been there