Clever comebacks if someone calls you strange
If you are different in any way, you may not fit in completely at school or work….
If you are different in any way, you may not fit in completely at school or work….
Urban Dictionary describes a ginger as, “A human characterized by pale skin, freckles and bright red hair.”…
We all have something different about us that someone else might consider funny looking. Maybe you have…
If you have fair skin people you know that people like to go on about it. There’s…
For some strange reason, average height people always want to let short people know that they’re short….
Tall people know that they’re tall. Hearing a short person go on and on about their height gets…
Urban dictionary says an asshole is, “Anyone who doesn’t do exactly what you think they ought to…
When people call you angry it is probably because you are in bad and pissed off mood….
There are haters everywhere, all over all the world. Anytime you step out of your comfort zone…