Clever replies when people ask why you're a virgin

It can be awkward when someone goes on about being a virgin and wants to why you still haven’t had sex yet. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin, wait until you’re ready, in the meantime use one of our snappy comebacks below the next time someone asks you a nosy question. Go ahead, tell us what you think is the best comeback.

Best comebacks when someone asks why you haven’t had sex yet

1. Sex is like math: you add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs and pray you don’t multiply. I don’t want to multiply!

2. Sex is like high school…you miss a period and you’re in trouble.

3. Sex takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble.

4. I almost had a threesome last night, all I needed was two more people.


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More witty comebacks you might like

The Role of counselling and self care

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When you are dealing with a person who asks if you are a virgin and you find it stressful, consider getting support from a professional. Talking to a counselor is a great way to work through a challenging situation, and help you find some strategies to work through the person’s behaviour.

Better Help is a great resource where you can talk to a counselor from the comfort of your own home. 

Taking care of your own needs isn’t selfish, and you will feel better in the long run.

Got any comments, questions or tips for dealing with people who ask if you are a virgin? Share them in the comments below.

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