In every school, there is usually a kid who is the class bully and picks on other kids. Normally, these kids think that they can walk all over everyone and get away with it. They aren’t concerned with other people’s needs or feelings.
Most well-meaning parents tell their child to take the higher road, not to talk back or say anything to the bully. They think that their kid should be the bigger person in the situation. If your child doesn’t say anything back to the kid who has been raised without boundaries or ever hearing the word no, they might think your kid is an easy mark. If your kid doesn’t respond, the class bully thinks that your child will continue to take their taunts, but if your child uses a comeback, they will move on to someone else who is too afraid to respond.
The one thing you have to be careful of is saying something at school that can make you look like the bad guy and get you in trouble. The comebacks below will help you defend yourself against class bullies. Even better, you can use them in front of the teacher or in class without getting called to the principal’s office.
Top ten comebacks kids can use at school
1. Where’s your off button?
2. Unless your name is Google stop acting like you know everything.
3. You should use glue stick instead of ChapStick.
4. I’ve been called worse by better.
5. I don’t hate you, I’m just simply not excited about your existence.
6. If you’re waiting for me to care, you better pack a lunch. It’s going to be a while.
7. You would be much more likable if it wasn’t for that hole in your mouth that noise comes out of.
8. Is your drama going to have an intermission soon?
9. I make my haters my motivators!
10. If you can’t be kind, then be quiet.
You may not know what to do if mean kids are teasing your child

Schools aren’t going to teach your child how to stand up for themselves, that is a skill that your kids need to learn at home from their parents. Learning to be assertive is a skill that will serve your child for life, and it is better to learn how to stand up for yourself at an early age.
If you want a step by step guide to help your child shut down teasing we can help you with wildly popular bundle Verbal Self Defense for Kids Made Easy.
Teach your child how to shut down teasing

Parents can also help their child build self-esteem and confidence by encouraging them to pursue activities they enjoy and to spend time with friends who are positive influences. It’s important to remind your child that they are valued and loved, and that bullying is never their fault.
If the bullying persists, parents may need to seek additional support from a counsellor or therapist who can help their child develop coping strategies and build resilience. Remember, it’s important to take action to shut down the bullying and support your child’s well-being.
Start by listening to your child and let them know that you believe in them, they are capable and that they are not alone.
Parents should try to remain calm and not overreact, as this can make the situation worse for their child. Although that is easier said than done when you are worried about your child.
Selena Gomez was picked on by other kids at school

Selena Gomez was bullied in elementary school. The experienced shaped Selena, she has gone on to help others and bring awareness to bullying. She was the Executive Producer on Netflix series about what kids go through when they endure bullying.
I was bullied every second of every day in elementary and middle school, Obviously, people are going to bring you down because of your drive. But, ultimately, it makes you a stronger person. – Selena Gomez
Parents can be devastated when their child is teased by mean kids at school

As a mother, Sarah was devastated when she found out her daughter was being teased at school. She knew all too well the pain and emotional turmoil that came with being bullied. Memories of her own experiences in elementary school came flooding back, and she felt helpless to protect her daughter from the same pain.
Sarah tried to stay strong for her daughter, but the emotions were overwhelming. She found herself stressed at night, reliving her own experiences and feeling the pain of her daughter’s struggles. She knew she had to do something to help her daughter, but didn’t know where to start.
Eventually, Sarah decided to teach her daughter how to deal with teasing because the school wasn’t doing much to help. Her daughter started using humour to deflect mean comments for a jealous girl in her class.
Sarah was relieved to see her daughter’s confidence slowly return, and she knew that she had made the right decision to give her daughter the skills she needed to deal with the situation.
Free training to bully proof your child
Sign up here: to watch the free workshop to bully proof your child. We will walk you through what to do to stop your child from being bullied.
More posts you might like
- Stop The Teasing: How To Put An End To Bullying At School
- When Your child is being bullied and you don’t know what to do
- Reporting bullying to the school
- Top ten comebacks that aren’t mean
- Top ten comebacks for frenemies
The Role of counselling and self care
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When you are dealing with someone who bullies and picks on other kids and you find it stressful, consider getting support from a professional. Talking to a counselor is a great way to work through a challenging situation, and help you find some strategies to work through the person’s behaviour.
Better Help is a great resource where you can talk to a counselor from the comfort of your own home.
Taking care of your own needs isn’t selfish, and you will feel better in the long run.
Well here r my comebacks
1. You better get those mean press on out of my face
2. Was it because u stepped on my friends foot or ur busted tired little dance moves
3. Ur pretty….PRETTY UGLY
4. Unless ur Google stop knowing things
5. Ur stupid…no I’m not…what’s 9+10…21? YOU STUPID
Nice Alvin and the Chipmunks refrence.
Why don’t you go and find someone who cares
3,5,7 are awesome I used it and I shut them up ha I love this website
Hi Jade, so glad that the comebacks helped you out.
wow! 1,2 & 8 were the best! I shut my whole lot up at school and never got in trouble since I never used any swear words. love this site. :p
Good for you Selina 🙂
I loved these comebacks Gonna use them on people who are bully’s at school tomorrow
I love those ones to and here is another: if someone calls you stupid or ugly just say excuse me but I am not a mirror
I always say that literally
Here’s a good comeback
Bully: You look like an ugly hag! Like the one from Snow White!
Me: Good! I was trying to look like you today!
I <3 that burn
I love these comeback. I going to use it on one of my friends. She talks tooooooooo MUCH!!!!!!!
Got some
1) People like you have no future
2) You’re the reason why shampoo has instructions
3) Are you a Newspaper? Cause their is a new issue with you every day
Wow! I love your comebacks! I can use them at school because there is this really mean bully in my class and when ever you trip he says “You trip’n!” And he laughs. And it makes you fell bad but makes him fell good. He is selfish. And he acts so funny but in a mean way, he hurts people. And burns you with really mean jokes witch are not funny. And apparently he lives on my street!!! But thanks to you with your funny comebacks you saved me and my friends loves! You are a life saver!! Thank you very much!!! ??????????????
I am so glad the comebacks helped you out. Bryn
I so glad they did 😀
remember dear, if he tells you to shut up you say, “i dont shut up i grow up, and when i see you… I FEEL SICK!!!” that one really strikes the bully where it hurts. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!
Please leave a reaply
You seem really really nice, of course you probably forgot about this web site but I hoped everything worked out, I came because there’s this boy and he’s kinda mean so I snapchat him a comeback of course it worked, thanks so much about these comebacks, they’re fantastic?
Guys give me ideas about comebacks cause my sis at school is getting bullied by her friends and she is still in grade 1!
Hi Nourhan,
See if any of these work:
just say you only pick on people cause they have a better life and you are a sad loser so go pick on someone else with a sad lonely life like u :b
I am really sorry to hear that. Maybe i have got one she can use!
Maybe try: I’m sorry I’m a NICE person! A pretty face is nothing without a good heart. Go swallow the amount of make-up your moms wear, maybe it will make you guys nice people. No amount of make-up can hide your ugly hearts. It’s just to bad you are half each of your family’s genes which means you contain half their personalitys as well. Did you inhabit that from your moms side of the family? Those Designer clothes you brag about owning are enough to suggest a sadistic weirdo. I don’t know if it will get her into trouble but at least it will shut them up. Thanks for letting me help the problem!
My comebacks r have u looked in the mirror by any chance did it crack? And when u r asleep in bed ur pillow cries because it has to sleep with u.
Bully: you ruin everything you touch
Me: then i touched you’re face cause its plain ruined
Theres this really mean girl in my class she always calls me stupid and ugly So then I started using these comebacks and they really helped thanks!!
Here Are some comebacks
Your birth certificate was a sorry letter from the doctors
Were you born on the highway? Because thats where most accidents happen
I thought of you today and it reminded me to take the garbage out
Open your mind not your mouth
You are lovely fit and beautiful… Oh wait sorry I thought we were having a lying competition
Oh you think you know everything? Well here’s something You don’t know your annoying
Do yourself a favor and ignore anyone who tells you to be yourself bad idea in your case
LOL gonna start using these!
Thankyou!! :3
I like all of the comebacks! Imma use em all!!!
Another good comeback : you can’t say nothing because you are nothing
You can easily get comebacked yourself by using tje “advice” in 7.
if someone calls you stupid you say is that right well what exactly have you accomplished in your life time that makes you Einstein
when a jerk calls you a loser you say i know im not a proctologist but i know an asshole when i see one
if someone makes fun of your weight you say be careful i ate the last person who made fun of my weight
hahaha dead i love that one!!
what? did u just look in the mirror? lol jk!
pardon what did you say I don’t speak idiot and you’ve got a face, not even a mother can love
Shock me, say something intelligent.
I had a nightmare. I dreamed I was you.
You only annoy me when you are breathing.
Am I getting smart with you? How would you know?
I have a come back: If you don’t like me then why does my name stay in your mouth
I had a nightmare I dreamed I was you
At least I don’t smell like eggs like you do.
Hey, I hate bullies but I cannot stand up to them; they bully and harass my friends for being a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Can I please have some comebacks to say to these people since I am bad at comebacks. Thanks
when someone says ur fat say: Fat can become slim but ur ugliness will never change
u will travel far someday, I hope u stay there