Funny comebacks when someone says suck my dick

Ask Bryn

Bryn Connor

What should I say when someone says, “suck my dick” in front of a bunch of people. I need a good answer.

Sumin, Malaysia

Hey Sumin,

When someone makes a comment like that in front of a bunch of people, you want to come up with a witty answer quickly.  The best thing to do is  put the spotlight back on the person who asked the question.

Hopefully, you will like one of the comebacks below.

Best comebacks to suck my dick

1. Wait your turn. I am not finished with your mum.

2. No thanks, I have a toothpick already.

3. I would, but from what I hear I’d need a magnifying glass to find it.

4. No thanks, I choke on small bones!

5. Knowing you, I’d be better off flossing with it.

6. Go on then, whip the little fella out.

7. Sorry, I don’t think you would meet my size requirements.

8. Sorry, I’m actually allergic to shrimp.

9. Ok, let me go and grab my magnifying glass and some tweezers first.

10. Not even with somebody else’s mouth.

11. I had no idea that you were into me in that way!

12. You’ve already said that 9 times, the 10th time won’t make me change my mind.

13. Yeah, that’s really mature.

14. Who knew you were, gay? I’m personally not, but I support whatever life decisions you make.


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Funny suck my dick meme

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Got any comments, questions or tips for dealing with someone who says suck my dick. Share them in the comments below.

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  1. I got some
    1: sorry, I’m a vegetarian
    2: people like you are why I’m a lesbian
    3: doesn’t your mom already do that
    4: the only thing that would suck that thing is a black hole.

  2. When someone says that you just hold out your hand and you say put it there and if he is stupid enough to do it you grab it and lead him around by it, and then I bet he will never say it again. If he doesn’t put it there then you say yeah that’s what I thought all talk!!!!

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